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我们已经和中国太平洋保险公司签订了长期的合作协议,可根据您的委托,为您投保进出口货物的相关运输保险,理赔反映及时,尽量满足您的需求ExportOur air export services provide general contracting and subcontracting for direct customers and forwarders, including designing and optimizing logistics solutions, picking up cargos from shippers, customs declaration and inspection, international transportation, and delivering the shipments to consignees. Our fast response and cost control towards the goods flow, documents flow and cash flow of the logistics chain help us meet the door to door one-stop integrated logistics requirements of customers.
Based on the network and operation scale, with the aim of safety, accuracy, speed and low cost, we provide variety of route products and integrate resources to meet the requirements of different customers by value added services.We provides pick-up, labeling and marking, packing, loading, customs declaration, inspection and inwards cargo management before shipping, and pick-up, customs declaration, warehousing, transferring ,distribution and delivery after arrival for customers in textile, electronic, mechanical equipment, food and chemical industry.Based on the global capacity, we organize charters to meet customers' requirements.
Our air import services provide general contracting and subcontracting for shipments from all over the world to the destination in China, and timely reflect the goods flow, documents flow, information flow and cash flow, with the aim of safety, accuracy, speed and low cost.We have bonded warehouses, of which the facilities and regulations meet the requirements of customs, providing door to door integrated logistics services including picking up, international transportation, documentation, customs services, warehousing, dispatching, inspection and delivery with the air import distribution qualification.We have a group of qualified and experienced customs declaration, inspection, transportation and warehousing specialists; our bonded truck along with the information system help cargos transport in bond and track conveniently and quickly.公司成立以来承朋友们大力支持业绩年年大幅度的增长,良好的服务使我司与货主及船东保持了十分良好的合作关系,公司为众多海内外客户提供车辆,设备,矿石、钢材、木材、项目工程等货物的海上运输服务,在互惠互利的基础上,公司已与多个客户建立起长期稳定的合作关系。经多年的发展,我司已经在汽车,钢材,钢结构,机电设备等出口货物上积累了丰富的经验,专业的服务使得客户极为赏识。

工程项目物流业务也是今后我们重点发展的主营业务之一。业务范围涉及国内大型工程和出口承包工程项目的国际多式联运、租船订舱、包装、仓储、港口中转、报关、报验、保险及咨询等服务。我们良好的服务和高质量的操作水准受到了客户的高度评价。凭借多年来的项目经验积累,以及完善的网络覆盖、先进的技术装备、资深专家团队和严格的操作规范,使我们能够为客户提供全面、专业、个性化的工程物流解决方案,对各类复杂的工程项目实施全程物流策划和现场操作服务,从而确保了工程质量。was born to support the demand of a global, modern logistics enterprise in a quickly developing global economy. Founded in China and now serving all of Asia Pacific, ABL currently holds offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing, and Chengdu.

Our network spans the Yangtze River Delta and the Bahai Gulf, including relationships with a number of multinational corporations and enterprises in China, enabling rapid growth in the business of international purchase, transportation, warehousing, distribution, agency and trading. With advanced management, service, and transportation supply, we ensure safe, smooth and cost-efficient work for clients who seek our services to and from the Asia Pacific region, and provide a spirit of innovation to help you become competitive in your industry

What are some of things you can rely on?

Integrity: For customers, employees, partners and shareholders, we offer nothing less than absolute, open communication and quality service. Here at TCG, customers get full information, and personal service.

Financial Strength: ABL’s financial division has vast experience, knowledge and connectivity with the Chinese authorities. This includes a long term, reliable relationship with China’s largest banks and computerized financial system, which enables direct connectivity to suppliers, worldwide agents, airlines, ground handling providers, and more.

Quality: Our team of foreign experts will ensure that you receive the quality you need and expect to keep your operations running coherently— no language barriers to cross here.

Multi-Channel Service: You can rely on the effectiveness that comes with our multi-channel service, mixing and matching transportation options to match your needs and get your goods shipped as quickly and affordably as possible.

Extensive Network: Our reliable service is based on a network of 250 transportation agencies on a global scale, assuring that you have a myriad of options and a maximum return on investment. With 90 global origin and destination locations, there’s no shortage of options in maximizing your productivity.



