
« 汽车运送美国与墨西哥的商品和服务贸易出口商品国际货代集装箱整箱提货欧洲线报检装卸服务 »


Since its foundation, the business has developed very rapidly and now ADL has established good cooperative relationships with the major airlines and shipping companies in China and aboard so that we can provide comprehensive, quality services and low cost for our customers. After signing, We have became the signing agent in Henan area of UPS,which is the world's largest express carriers and package delivery company ,With its advantages in service area, service quality, service price, service time ,COD service and special line service , we can provide the global delivery channels for small and medium-sized enterprises ,and do our best efforts to be the cheapest, the fastest and the best service international express in He’ Nan area. ADL has set up aboard branches in Nigerian and Benin and can provide customers with a complete logistics platform interactive in Shanghai ,Qingdao, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Asia, Africa ,Europe, the United stated and other places. We provide 24-hour service, warehousing and other logistics services .
ADL has a younger, better educated and professional management and operation team, the backbones are all engaged in long-term international air shipping services, International express services, import and export trade industry professionals.
Our human –oriented management, consultant-type sales practices as well as a service concept to be the advancer of the industry have attracted a number of well known enterprises as our valued customer.
Our company will make full use of resource advantages, continue to open up the domestic and overseas market and achieve the transition from traditional freight forwarding industry into the modern logistic industry.
Through the implementation of network management, functional diversification and the nationalization strategy, ADL determines to gradually build a large-scale, strong and functional, competitive, comprehensive international logistics companies to match the international logistics market
公司同国外供货商有着长期的代理代购等业务合作关系。可以为客户在境内外的采购或销售提供全方位的服务,也可以为已经达成购销合同的客户提供专业通关服务、国际货运代理服务。即从接单(包括在线下单)、对外签约、收货发货、运输及保险、报关报检、货款税款结算直至合同终结,提供专业申报,货物保险,专人跟单,实时查询,快捷通关,资金融通,信息反馈等综合解决方案。 公司主要经营范围包括:国际贸易及代理一般进出口业务、代理出口退税、报关、商检(报验)等;业务范围可以是国家限定商品外一般贸易性质进出口公司可以经营的所有商品。 自营产品:进口各类纱线;进口机械设备;出口电子产品;马赛克等各类建材; 本公司代理货物进出口报关、商检、入仓、订舱、拖车、中港货运、国际空运、国际海运以及办理产地证(CO)、普惠证(F/A)等有关对外贸易配套业务。公司有着丰富的报关经验及良好的人际关系,所开展的业务完全符合国家法律法规的规定,在互惠互利的前提下,认真负责、恪守信用,为各位商厂家简化报关手续,减少各种费用,确保货物顺利进出关。


